Drying Cocoa Beans
We are a strong advocate for the revitalization of the cocoa industry in Trinidad and Tobago, plant cocoa trees any chance we get, and we currently grow our cocoa trees the “organic” way.
Products: cocoa powder, cocoa butter, and local creole chocolate the old fashioned way.
Currently Rancho Quemado Estate processes and delivers all its dried cocoa beans to Cocobel , a chocolate factory located on Fitt street in Woodbrook. Cocobel makes beautiful fine flavor gourmet chocolates utilizing fresh herbs and spices and tropical fruits in season. Some of Cocobel’s flavors are mango pepper, pineapple chow, guava cheese, sorrel, passion fruit, and tonka bean.
RQEL is aiming to expand its post harvest facilities so that we can be a hub for other small cocoa farmers in the area. This way a high quality standard can be maintained for beans being produced and prepared for making fine flavor chocolates.